Monday 28 February 2011

Monday's child is fair of face

Good Morning?! Nerdy Bunch, it's monday!

Right, so this week is "day in my life week". So I'm going to tell you what I am doing today. Right, first a little context. I go to school two days a week, Tuesdays I spend 4 hours in class and Thursdays I spend eight hours in class. Luckily for you I'm going to tell you about Monday which is much more exciting. Really though it's no that much more exciting. Today I didn't get out of bed til noon, I watched the last few episodes of season one of Doctor Who and then I went out for supper with my mom who is in town for a conference. After that we went grocery shopping so I could get some of the heavier things that I sometimes put off getting because its a pain in the butt to carry (I don't have a car or a drivers licsence.) I also bought a new pillow which I was in desperate need of, I'm excited to see if it brings me better sleep. I got my passport today which is very exciting because it's official that I can go to Switzerland this spring which will be my first oveseas travel and I'm starting to feel excited about that. When I got home I did some internet browsing and now I am typing this. For the rest of the evening I'm planning on watching a little more Doctor Who and doing some painting. Then I might start my book and go to bed so I can be all bright eyed and bushy tailed for class tommorow.

Question for you all what kind of international travel have you done? Any tips for a first timer?

Best wishes!

Fun fact: it is currently -8 degrees celcius here but feels like -18 (17.6 fahrenheit feels like -0.3)

Friday 25 February 2011

The Friday One

Oy to ye, fellow nerds! Coming to you fresh from one heck of a night and an exam, your Friday, sterling! My sleep deprived mind is a bit wonky so my post will probably be too. I was up all night, hopped up on sugar and an energy drink, studying for an exam I had to get up for at 6AM. I got probably 30 minutes of sleep.

Anyways, I’m a 20-year old woman from Finland. I’m an artistic person, been one all my life. I’ve always loved drawing. If one asked me when I started drawing, couldn’t really answer that. I simply can’t remember. I assume the second I got a pencil in my hand. I’m mainly a self-taught artist; I’ve never gone to art school or anything where they would intensively teach art. Only art classes I’ve gone through are the ones held in school, which after a certain point didn’t teach me any new things. I kind of wish I had attended an art school, maybe then I could color things better.

I actually almost did go to an art school in 2009, but a week before I was supposed to start there I got a letter saying I got into university. I was a bit torn since I was going to move in with my best friend and attend the school together with her, but I went with university nonetheless since it was the route I really wanted to take. I started with a double major in archaeology and cultural anthropology but went for archaeology major after a year of studying both. Now cultural anthropology is my minor and I’m specializing in physical/biological anthropology and human osteology (terminology varies where ever you happen to reside), which means I handle and study human skeletal remains as well as badly decomposed remains. I’m looking to further specialize in forensic anthropology but that’s going to be a future thing. Right now I’m focused on getting my BA Thesis done, well, not really that focused, I keep procrastinating the hell out of it. I started it during the summer but still haven’t finished. In my thesis I’m analyzing the remains of 100+ people from 1600-1700’s, found in an old grave site in Northern Finland. I have already written an article about the subject and it’s going to be in some book that’s going to be published someday, I’m rather clueless on that aspect. I did hear the book is going through a layout design thing at the moment. That article writing process kind of ruined my urges to write my thesis, but at least it will look good in my CV.

In addition to poking dead things (lol, awkward transition), I’m quite an internet addict, and a computer junkie. Recently my lap top broke and I was without a computer for a while and it resulted in me getting so bored out of my mind that I wound up sleeping through a day since I didn’t have better things to do. I think almost my whole life is on a damned computer. At least all my entertainment is. I do post-by-post/play-by-post forum RPing, I help at managing boards, I do digital art, I visit forums I’m addicted to and, of course, watch youtube videos, as well as TV shows. I don’t think I even need a TV these days considering I watch all the shows I like online.

But youtube videos lead me to nerdfighters and the vlogbrothers. I had seen vlogbrothers mentioned in some videos by people I was subscribed to. I think RayWilliamJohnson was the one who finally cracked me with his video and I wandered to check out the vlogbrothers channel. It was this video of all things that made me finally check them out: Yeah, of all the things. xD But that one just made me wonder what on earth does this guy do besides dress up as a woman and rick roll. I started watching from the very first episode and I think I got hooked because of John. Something about his voice is very pleasant, not to mention his videos were and still are informative and fun. What’s not to like? Been a nerdfighter ever since.

I joined the ning at one point but never became active. The problem with ning sites, in my opinion, has always been that they are unnecessarily messy and no matter what you do they look clustered. It was unnecessarily difficult to navigate and everything, so I just never bothered. I had been hoping for a nice forum for nerdfighters for quite a while, so when Your Pants finally opened, I was there among the first 200, thanks to my bad habit of procrastinating going to sleep. Joined in a heart beat. And it didn’t take me long to set up my idea of group blogging. I had been musing over it for a long time in my mind, I had wanted to do it for quite some time. Before the forum was opened for everyone, I saw some people post a thread on the issue of who is a nerdfighter and whois not, complaining about how large the community has gotten and how they do not feel like a community anymore, I realized that the whole group blogging thing could well help with feeling the connection. I have felt the same disconnection from the community, heck, I never really knew or chatted with any of the nerdfighters before, so I figured this project would be good for me too. So, here I am and I am having fun! xD

And so my long ramble has come to an end.

PS: I love Your Pants.

PPS: Oh! Favorite shows! Battlestar Galactica, Bones, Gilmore Girls, Stargate SG-1, Grey's Anatomy, X-Files, ER, The Rachel Maddow Show, Futurama and some others. Okay, that is all.

Thursday 24 February 2011

I never could get the hang of Thursdays

Yes, ladies and gents, it is I, the mispronounce-able misspronounced, your Thursday blogger on the Nerdy Bunch blog. I, like my esteemed fellow Bloggers, am a Nerdfighter. I have (I think) been one since December of 2009. Actually, I've been a Nerdfighter all my life, but wasn't really aware of it until I first saw the Vlogbrothers.

My first ever subscription on Youtube was the very...characterful... AngryAussie (he is, as his name suggests, an angry Australian). At some point, he began mentioning something called the Project for Awesome, organised by these two enigmatic gentlemen known as the Vlogbrothers. Intrigued, I decided to go look them up on YouTube. I instantly recognised Hank from his "Accio Deathly Hallows" video, and after watching a few videos, I knew that I belonged in the made-of-awesome place that is Nerdfighteria.

As a Nerdfighter, I guess I'm an all-rounder. My main interests are film and literature, but I'm basically interested in anything that I can learn about. I'm a firm believer that just because you don't HAVE to learn about something, it doesn't mean you SHOULDN'T learn about it. My favourite books are Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I have read Looking for Alaska which I adore, and I am currently reading Paper Towns, which seems pretty freakin' awesome.

In real life, I'm a 20-year-old university student in Brisbane, Australia. I'm studying a dual degree in Arts and Law, which basically means four years from now I will graduate with two degrees. I want to eventually do my LLM (Master of Laws) in England, and do something in technological ethical law or perhaps some sort of research or work in Internet law, because I want the internet to be freely accessible, safe and fair. Also, I want to eventually be a writer, but I know I need more life experience and writing skills (and an idea too) before that is going to happen, so I might as well do something in the meantime.

I feel very privileged to be part of such an awesome and eclectic group of Nerdfighters, and I look forward to getting to know you all better as this project continues!


edit: <_< it's an LLM, not MLB. Stupid initialisms :C

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Hi, I'm Wednesday, nice to meet you.

It is rather fitting; I was oddly fascinated by her as a kid.

My first meeting with Nerdfighteria... I started following the Mental Floss blog after finding out that A.J. Jacobs had written for them (whose books, by the way, I can only recommend). It was essay season, and in my continuous quest to find new means of procrastination I watched some video about some author dudes I'd never heard of checking out abandoned buildings in Detroit, and then – because I was really bored, 'cause it wasn't like those papers were due tomorrow – went on the website and checked out the rest. After that I sort of stuck around, and a few months later Accio Deathly Hallows happened and woosh, Nerdfighteria transformed from a few hundred viewers (mostly YA-librarians) to a few thousand (mostly teenage HP fans). It's certainly been an interesting ride. I was a mod on the ning for a while (a whole long while), tried reading John's books (despite them being YA), and once introduced a Nerdfighter from the States to Amsterdam; we met at 2am on a coach in England, and I accidentally bought boob-shaped licorice candy (they were soft and squishy and delicious. I didn't try the penises).

When I'm not reading funny non-fiction books or wasting time online, you'll usually find me reading fiction (funny or not), planning my next trip abroad, or, you know, watching The West Wing in it's entirety again (or Firefly. Or Jeeves & Wooster. Or The Office. Or Black Books. Or... - (sometimes even Friends)).

I'm fairly close to (finally) getting my MA in English lit, but still have a bunch of papers to write, and my thesis to write, and four exams to sit, which, thanks to German uni bureaucracy (sometimes those stereotypes are true...), means I will probably get my diploma in about 18 months. So right now my life mostly consists of writing papers. Once those are done my life will consist of one art history class I'm still missing to graduate, and possibly Norwegian lessons once a week. Let's hope that finding a job thing happens before I'm bored to death.

What else... I should probably warn you that I'm likely to ramble about music a lot. I don't actually know squad about music, have given up every instrument I've picked up after no more than two years, and am pretty much tone dumb (not tone deaf. I hear that I'm off. Sometimes I wish I could be as blissfully ignorant about my singing as those people in Idol), but I heart it rather a lot. Currently geeking out about the new Lykke Li album. Oh yesyesyes.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Hello from the future!!

Good Morning, well at least to most of the Nerdy Bunch. It's Tuesday night here in the Philippines which is where I am from.

Less than 2 years ago, while searching for Carl's Jr. commercials in YouTube, I have stumbled into this.

This video basically sums up the reason why I became a nerdfighter. And like the nerd that I am, I shall enumerate these reasons which are as follows:

  1. Because they have proven that burgers are in fact the perfect combination of it's constituent parts. - They only speak the nerdy truth.
  2. By the time you reach the half way point of a fatty burger, like everyone else, you feel regret. - They are relatable.
  3. He finished the fatty sandwich - They are committed and I felt loved.

Ok, more about searching for for Carl's Jr. commercials. Don't judge me, I'm only human, shamefully addicted to burgers, and those videos are the epitome of food porn, besides Nigella Lawson of course!!

Clearly food appeals to me and that is because I am a chef, a pastry chef to be exact. I have been in the industry for 7 years which means that I may be the oldest one in the bunch. Besides being into food, which I still have to prove because burgers are not at all proof enough, I like the outdoors and am a traveler at heart. It is nice to be in a group with such a diverse culture and I am eager to know more about everyone.

Hear from you guys soon,


P.S. In case you didn't figure it out yet, I am the 4th Ruben in the family.

Monday 21 February 2011

Good Morning Nerdy Bunch! It's Monday!

Let me start by telling you a little story, It's 2008 and I'm going through a rough time personally with school and life stuff when, I stumble on a video of a guy telling 50 jokes in 4 minutes I watched that video along with a few others on the channel and then I watched them all from th beginning and I became a Nerdfighter. There were some rough times made easier by listening to "A Song About Anglerfish" and "What Would Captain Picard Do?". So I've hopped onto the Ning and am on your pants. Knowing that there are cool nerdy people out there who really care about stuff and aren't afraid to show it has been awesome for me.

So who am I? My name is Allysa this my first official post as monday of the tentatively named nerdy bunch. I am 22 Years Old living in Winnipeg Canada.I am 2 months away from graduating from university with a degree in psychology.

I have started many blogs and journals and abandoned them all, I have resolved however to be better with this I'm counting on a little accountability by being on a team. Being part of a blog involving nerdfighters is super exciting for me. I've always been excited about nerdfighter community but never been comfortable with video blogging.My favorite thing about the internet (besides watching cancelled t.v.) shows is being able to interact with people from all over the world. I love to hear what different people think even if its about silly things (like giraffe sex).

I'm probably not the nerdiest person you've ever met but I'm not the least nerdy either, I spend a lot of time thinking about the way people think and act. I love nerdy TV shows, my favorites are Battlestar Gallactica, Doctor Who, things by Joss Whedon and many more. I am also an artist and here is a shameless promotional link to my Tumblr: Allmaelov  I mostly paint with acrylics although I love to experiment with diferent media and do some sculpture and beading. I love books. I am a compulsive reader, I like blogs and magazines but I love books. My favorite genre is fantasy especially YA fantasy. I also like some Sci-Fi and some mystery but it has to be pretty good.When My brain needs a break I read rom-com novels as cheesy as that is I like them. When I'm not in school I read a lot including a lot more non-fiction, especially self help type books; I probably read more of those that I should.So this is my little introduction to me. I can't wait to here a little bit more about the rest of this bunch.


One fun fact: I'm nearsighted and have worn glasses since I was 13.

Sidenote: this being a collab blog means that I'm a little confused about my audience so my pronouns and
verb tenses might be a littl wonky, bear with me.