Friday 25 February 2011

The Friday One

Oy to ye, fellow nerds! Coming to you fresh from one heck of a night and an exam, your Friday, sterling! My sleep deprived mind is a bit wonky so my post will probably be too. I was up all night, hopped up on sugar and an energy drink, studying for an exam I had to get up for at 6AM. I got probably 30 minutes of sleep.

Anyways, I’m a 20-year old woman from Finland. I’m an artistic person, been one all my life. I’ve always loved drawing. If one asked me when I started drawing, couldn’t really answer that. I simply can’t remember. I assume the second I got a pencil in my hand. I’m mainly a self-taught artist; I’ve never gone to art school or anything where they would intensively teach art. Only art classes I’ve gone through are the ones held in school, which after a certain point didn’t teach me any new things. I kind of wish I had attended an art school, maybe then I could color things better.

I actually almost did go to an art school in 2009, but a week before I was supposed to start there I got a letter saying I got into university. I was a bit torn since I was going to move in with my best friend and attend the school together with her, but I went with university nonetheless since it was the route I really wanted to take. I started with a double major in archaeology and cultural anthropology but went for archaeology major after a year of studying both. Now cultural anthropology is my minor and I’m specializing in physical/biological anthropology and human osteology (terminology varies where ever you happen to reside), which means I handle and study human skeletal remains as well as badly decomposed remains. I’m looking to further specialize in forensic anthropology but that’s going to be a future thing. Right now I’m focused on getting my BA Thesis done, well, not really that focused, I keep procrastinating the hell out of it. I started it during the summer but still haven’t finished. In my thesis I’m analyzing the remains of 100+ people from 1600-1700’s, found in an old grave site in Northern Finland. I have already written an article about the subject and it’s going to be in some book that’s going to be published someday, I’m rather clueless on that aspect. I did hear the book is going through a layout design thing at the moment. That article writing process kind of ruined my urges to write my thesis, but at least it will look good in my CV.

In addition to poking dead things (lol, awkward transition), I’m quite an internet addict, and a computer junkie. Recently my lap top broke and I was without a computer for a while and it resulted in me getting so bored out of my mind that I wound up sleeping through a day since I didn’t have better things to do. I think almost my whole life is on a damned computer. At least all my entertainment is. I do post-by-post/play-by-post forum RPing, I help at managing boards, I do digital art, I visit forums I’m addicted to and, of course, watch youtube videos, as well as TV shows. I don’t think I even need a TV these days considering I watch all the shows I like online.

But youtube videos lead me to nerdfighters and the vlogbrothers. I had seen vlogbrothers mentioned in some videos by people I was subscribed to. I think RayWilliamJohnson was the one who finally cracked me with his video and I wandered to check out the vlogbrothers channel. It was this video of all things that made me finally check them out: Yeah, of all the things. xD But that one just made me wonder what on earth does this guy do besides dress up as a woman and rick roll. I started watching from the very first episode and I think I got hooked because of John. Something about his voice is very pleasant, not to mention his videos were and still are informative and fun. What’s not to like? Been a nerdfighter ever since.

I joined the ning at one point but never became active. The problem with ning sites, in my opinion, has always been that they are unnecessarily messy and no matter what you do they look clustered. It was unnecessarily difficult to navigate and everything, so I just never bothered. I had been hoping for a nice forum for nerdfighters for quite a while, so when Your Pants finally opened, I was there among the first 200, thanks to my bad habit of procrastinating going to sleep. Joined in a heart beat. And it didn’t take me long to set up my idea of group blogging. I had been musing over it for a long time in my mind, I had wanted to do it for quite some time. Before the forum was opened for everyone, I saw some people post a thread on the issue of who is a nerdfighter and whois not, complaining about how large the community has gotten and how they do not feel like a community anymore, I realized that the whole group blogging thing could well help with feeling the connection. I have felt the same disconnection from the community, heck, I never really knew or chatted with any of the nerdfighters before, so I figured this project would be good for me too. So, here I am and I am having fun! xD

And so my long ramble has come to an end.

PS: I love Your Pants.

PPS: Oh! Favorite shows! Battlestar Galactica, Bones, Gilmore Girls, Stargate SG-1, Grey's Anatomy, X-Files, ER, The Rachel Maddow Show, Futurama and some others. Okay, that is all.


  1. I think i might be the only thorn amongst roses LOL

    I've been wanting to go to an art school ever since I finished studying but i got too busy with work. Maybe in the future, It will help me with my cake decorating anyway ^_^

    WOW!! that's all kinds of awesome!! I've seen my sister work with cadavers before but more for medical purposes.

    I'm so glad you came up with this idea ^_^ otherwise i wouldn't be a part of this awesome project

  2. Hope your exam went well :)

  3. @rubeniv: you could attend some art classes outside art school system. Usually there are some courses for hobbyists offered during the evenings of weekends. It could help about as much as actual art school. :)

    Your sis is a doctor? I'm not enough of a people person OR a mathematic person to be able to do that. At one point I did want to be a pathologist but that would require one to become a medical doctor first.... xD I kinda went for the next best thing hahaha!

    People do seem to be happy with this project. It's adorable how many have thanked me. Kinda makes me feel embarrassed for the attention. I want to thank for the thanks but that's just weird :P

    @enika: I hope so too, the lecturer hasn't posted the grade yet. I don't want to re-take the exam, even though the teacher has asked the same two questions for two years in every exam. Even the re-do ones. >__> (the problem really is his teaching, I've heard he's kept his position simply because he's an insanely brilliant researcher.)

  4. @enika: oh and if I remember right, you had an exam too! How did it go?

  5. well now in my head you are going to be a younger more Finnish version of Temperance Brenan. Also I think it is awesome that you describe what you do as poking dead things.

  6. LOL This reminds me of a conversation I had online:

    I do actually study the same field Brennan was trained in. She just wound up specializing further into forensics (kinda by accident based on the Bones ep where they described the first case Booth and the squints had together). Same basic methods are used in both, I just work ooolder cases and I, so far, haven't worked with stuff that cops would have interest in. :P

    And poking dead things is a short and nice way to put it xD Though it compels me to add "in a non-kinky way" in the end of it every time I say it. My mind lives in the gutter.
