Wednesday 23 February 2011

Hi, I'm Wednesday, nice to meet you.

It is rather fitting; I was oddly fascinated by her as a kid.

My first meeting with Nerdfighteria... I started following the Mental Floss blog after finding out that A.J. Jacobs had written for them (whose books, by the way, I can only recommend). It was essay season, and in my continuous quest to find new means of procrastination I watched some video about some author dudes I'd never heard of checking out abandoned buildings in Detroit, and then – because I was really bored, 'cause it wasn't like those papers were due tomorrow – went on the website and checked out the rest. After that I sort of stuck around, and a few months later Accio Deathly Hallows happened and woosh, Nerdfighteria transformed from a few hundred viewers (mostly YA-librarians) to a few thousand (mostly teenage HP fans). It's certainly been an interesting ride. I was a mod on the ning for a while (a whole long while), tried reading John's books (despite them being YA), and once introduced a Nerdfighter from the States to Amsterdam; we met at 2am on a coach in England, and I accidentally bought boob-shaped licorice candy (they were soft and squishy and delicious. I didn't try the penises).

When I'm not reading funny non-fiction books or wasting time online, you'll usually find me reading fiction (funny or not), planning my next trip abroad, or, you know, watching The West Wing in it's entirety again (or Firefly. Or Jeeves & Wooster. Or The Office. Or Black Books. Or... - (sometimes even Friends)).

I'm fairly close to (finally) getting my MA in English lit, but still have a bunch of papers to write, and my thesis to write, and four exams to sit, which, thanks to German uni bureaucracy (sometimes those stereotypes are true...), means I will probably get my diploma in about 18 months. So right now my life mostly consists of writing papers. Once those are done my life will consist of one art history class I'm still missing to graduate, and possibly Norwegian lessons once a week. Let's hope that finding a job thing happens before I'm bored to death.

What else... I should probably warn you that I'm likely to ramble about music a lot. I don't actually know squad about music, have given up every instrument I've picked up after no more than two years, and am pretty much tone dumb (not tone deaf. I hear that I'm off. Sometimes I wish I could be as blissfully ignorant about my singing as those people in Idol), but I heart it rather a lot. Currently geeking out about the new Lykke Li album. Oh yesyesyes.


  1. Hooray for reading, and for TV. good luck with schools I know a thing about the pain in the butt bureaucracy can be.


    Gosh, i think I've watched all the episodes of Friends a billion times. xD I know most stuff by heart! At one point I had a Friends reference for everything. >_>

    There just will not be another sitcom like Friends. Today's sitcoms like How I Met Your Mother just can't compete with that. Even with Neil Patrick Harris.

  3. NO BE ENGREH KITTEH! FREINDS SO TINEH COZ... uhm, errrr, because. (I think I do consider it somewhat of a guilty pleasure, esp. after having a lit prof who hated it with a passion and brought up "Friends sucks!" every second week). Haven't watched it in a while though, it's just not that fun when you remember every single line. I think my biggest problem with current (American) sitcoms is mostly that I keep on saying "didn't they do this back on Friends?".

  4. I also think that I have probably watched every episode of friends. That was before I discovered the miracle of TV on the internet when there were at least two episodes of friends on every day.

  5. I <3 Lykke Li

    I know a few Norwegian words/phrases "jeg elsker deg", "gravlaks", and "gulertersuppe" LOL the food stuff I learned in School and because I had a Norwegian classmate from grade-school until high-school she taught me how to say the first one.

    I also know some German phrases "eins kesespatsle bitte" and "eins krug beir bitte" (not sure about the spelling) which was taught to me by my Austrian neighbor and is all I need to survive if I get lost in a German speaking country XD

  6. Ah yes, Norwegian food... the main reason why when it comes to places Anne wants to move Denmark > Norway xD
    With those German phrases you might want to stick to Austria & the very south of Germany. I mean... people will understand that you want food & beer, but prolly won't have käsespätzle or serve beer in "krugs" (lulz, silly southerners), plus might be somewhat oversensitive when tourists think the south = all of Germany :)

  7. random question: you mentioned funny non-fiction books. What would some of those be? :)

  8. Hm, I don't read that many, tbh, that was just in there because I mentioned AJ Jacobs earlier. Uhm, so, AJ Jacobs, absolutely, he's brilliant and funny and intelligent (and open-minded). Besides that I usually tend to stick to travel and expat books (Bill Bryson and the like).
