Tuesday 14 June 2011

Internet Life

The video really shows how ridiculous socializing in the internet can be

It is my day to suggest a theme for this weeks blog and I would like to know more about everyone's internet life.

Last year was the most active I have been, because i'm currently too busy to really sit down and do anything social network-y. In fact I feel like I made good friends here in the internet and actually met one of them in person during one of my vacations. But when do they exactly become IRL Friends as suppose to just people you sometimes interact with in the internet?

Internet for me is extremely detached to what is real. So you really don't have a gauge in terms of what is True or False. But meeting my friend in person really made it a bit more personal. In fact my friend is visiting me and will be arriving this coming friday.

have you met anyone in person that you've met through the internet?

hear from you guys soon



  1. I've met three people from the net, but two were only short encounters before shows/gigs, and they weren't people I was particularly close to - more like online acquaintances that happened to be in the same place at the same time.

    I actually met one person from my last group blog! We both ended up studying in England at the same time, and then went on a two-day trip to Amsterdam without ever having met before. That was FUN. We actually met on a coach in the middle of the night xD. I might have been a little too amused by her culture shock (Amsterdam rather flaunts Dutch stereotypes - weed & prostitution), but it was a fun trip, and she turned out to be really nice. I still consider her an online friend though. There have been, and are, other people I haven't met I'm closer to. Heck, I have online friends I've known for twelve years! They're not close either, but sort of a constant, people I shared my first (only major) fandom with. People I've grown up with, and have seen grow up, despite the distance. So I don't really know where to draw the line between different sorts of online and offline friends, I'm not even sure we need one.

    (did that make sense? I'm tired. I had to finish the last of my wine before I leave tomorrow. etc.)

  2. Unfortunately I haven't...yet. Two were gonna stay at my place during the summer at one point, but unfortunately both got summer jobs to keep them busy. Also, I was going to act as a guide for one who was going to visit Helsinki, but she and her friends ended up going to Amsterdam instead. :P
