Monday 20 June 2011

Lurking on the Internets

Good Morning Nerdy Bunch, It's Monday!

I bet you missed that cheery exclamation every Monday morning. It's lovely to be back and be able to read you posts. I'm glad to see we are doing some themes and I like the set up described in Your Pants. Now onto My Internet Life.


I am a lurker, I lurk around forums and I lurk around blogs. Aside from this blog I don't really interact with people on the internet. I use the internet as an entertainment and inspiration machine.For entertainment I; watch TV shows, movies and YouTube videos, read comics and stories, and play games.For inspiration I; read blogs and look up crafts and art (also spend way to much time on tumblr.)

I do have, and use email, for the obvious things. My Facebook friends are all people I've had face to face conversations with. A big part of why I keep the 'real' me off the internet is because i'm pretty paranoid about identity theft and stalkers. Also I am more honest in some ways online. Some of the opinions I share on the internet are ones that I don't share IRL. So I don't necisarily want my IRL friends and my family reading them. I'm much more comfortable being nerdy online, I don't mind sharing my nerdy and slightly embarrassing hobbies with you guys and the anonymous masses but with people who I spend a lot of time with... not so good.

The other reason is because keeping up a presence on a bunch of different internet sites takes a considerable amount of work and people on the internet can be pretty negative. I'm pretty intentional about keeping people who want to be jerks out of my head. At one point in time I was active on some forums but I've always been someone who would rather read content than post it. So that describes my internet life.


News time;
I'm back and posting. (duh)
I have reinvigorated my personal blog where posts that are to personal or political for this blog will go.
Do you guys have personal blogs?

That is all.

Best wishes,


  1. Nice to see you back and posting! :D

    I currently have few active blogs: a couple of tumblrs and livejournals. My most personal blog is - one has to friend me and all to see it (I love LJ for its privacy setting options). It's likely the place where I post more personal stuff.

  2. I've had a livejournal for ten-ish years, but it's been more or less abandoned since I became less interested in fandom (or at least got more interested in stuff that has no fandom to speak of).
    Had a bunch of other blogs (personal, books, muic, academic) over the years, but abandoned most of them after a few posts. Nowadays I have a rarely updated language learning blog and just started a non-english music tumblr (
