Wednesday 29 June 2011

Living in a sauna...

This week went by incredibly quickly, mostly because it's been so insanely hot the last few days I barely got anything done. (Okay, not that hot by international standards, but that hot by humid, German, no air-conditioner, not-used-to-it, living-on-the-top-floor-of-old-badly-isolated-building standards) It finally started raining an hour or so ago, so hopefully I'll catch a decent night of sleep. Saunas are not a good place to sleep in ;)

The worst part is that the heat fucks with my eating patterns. I eat (a small) breakfast when it's still reasonably cool, and then have to force myself to even eat fruit or something else "summery" until it cools down in the evening. And while that might be an effective way to get rid of winter chub, it's not exactly healthy (considering I eat massive carby dinners, possibly scratch the chub-loss aspect ;) ). So basically my body is sulking half the day because it doesn't get enough energy (and it's hot), and then turns into a hyperactive six-year-old on candy once it's pumped up on rice & veg, and that six-year-old really doesn't want to go to sleep. That all the grocery stores seem to be continuously out of chillies and salad doesn't help. *sigh

Tomorrow I get to spend two hours in a tiny lecture hall with a giant lecture hall with 150 students and no air conditioning. My uni chose a great time to remodel the main lecture building. Woot.

To jump on the QOTD bandwagon, What do you eat when it's bloody hot outside?


  1. Yeeeah. When I started work (fairly heavy physical work outside in sunlight for 8 and a half hours per day) a heatwave swept through the area. 30C all the way. I thought I was going to die. But I did blog about that so eh... what I didn't blog about is that right after the heatwave passed, the goddamn rainy days followed! And after they were over. Guess what? ANOTHER HEAT WAVE! I now hate nature, passionately. (In a sauna I can stand 100C...elsewhere even 15C is starting to get uncomfortable, any hotter than 20C or so and it's starting to be hellish for me)

    Totally had trouble eating lunch. The bugs weren't the only thing keeping me from my chow; I just couldn't get the food down. For a month I've been having trouble getting food down properly. But today I did manage to find something I loved eating in that damned forest! YOGHURT! <3 Get some. Maybe even the drinkable kind. Maybe get some Kellog's cereal and instead of milk, fill your plate with yoghurt and pour some Kellog's in. :D

    And eat things you really really really love in normal conditions. Better to eat a bit unhealthy for a while than to starve. Also: pop-sickles.

  2. Over here eating cereal with yogurt is actually at least as normal as eating it with milk xD Sadly I'm somewhat lactose intolerant, so I try to limit my daily dairy intake to late afternoon/evening meals xD

    I finally managed to get some sammich/salad ingredients today, so hopefully that will do (we're going through the rainy/not quite so hot phase right now though, so I can eat a bit more normally).

    (we have quite a lot of ice cream in the freezer, unfortunately I have massive roommate guilt about eating it, since it's shared property and my roomie hardly ever eats any :/)

    I think heat really depends on humidity and the like. In Germany I quite enjoy anything up to the high twenties, and start complaining when it hits 28. In the nice, dry, deserty part of the states where I lived even the high 30s were quite bearable (heck, I played soccer for three hours/day in high 30s/40s(-near fifties) temperatures, it wasn't that bad. I only got a sun stroke once xD).

  3. I don't think eating cereal with yoghurt is anything unusual here either (though most enjoy them with milk).

    Even without humidity I start feeling very uncomfortable doing stuff outside when it's 20C or warmer. With humidity it's like you'd shoved me into a tiny bit of Hell: awful things and no escape. I can stand 30C the best if I don't have to move much, can stay inside in front of a fan, in shade, and so on. For me, any form of sports is out of the question if there's that kinda heat. Humidity or not.

    Let's just say...I'm a winter person. xD
