Monday 12 September 2011


Good morning Nerdy Bunch it's Monday,

I'm sitting outside freezing my toes off while writing this. It's midnight and the weather has just turned in a autumn direction so the weather is brisk. There are thin fluffy clouds skimming in front of the moon. I'm wrapped up in a blanket with giant headphones on so I'm mostly warm although I'm actually contemplating the benefits of a Snuggie.

As far as Blog improvement goes. I am down for some more casual pants conversation. I think it would be nice to go themeless for the next couple of weeks just to see what happens with that. Also I think it's important just to post even if the posts are stupid or un Pulitzery, my posts are going to be consistently late forever I seem to only have inspiration ridiculously late at night, but I'm still posting. My other suggestion is a question, what do we want from this blog what are we trying to get out of it. I think it would be interesting to play around with the mission of the blog a bit try out some creative writing some eductional stuff some more personal blogs, whatever i ust feel like it has been kind of uncomitted up to this point. Those are all of my thoughts on the matter.

Over and Out,



  1. So about communicating between us I have come up with a couple of ideas since your pants is down. Either Skype of Google chat could work, assuming we can pull off a conference chat if we all wanted to chat at the same time (a bit tough what with the time difference but manageable I'm sure. Post here what ever you think will work best for you and will start working it out. FYI you can find everyone's email addresses under settings and permissions.

  2. Skype or Google chat would work for me as well. I'm quite fond of Skype group chats, since people can just drop in whenever they're online (scheduling an initial chat with everyone would be nice though). As for possible chat times, at the moment anytime between 8am and 2am GMT+1 would work for me on most days (term break :) )

    I think "what do we want to get out of this blog" really is an important question we ought to discuss, but it'd probably be easier in a chat...
    I think Ruben suggested doing challenges at some point, maybe that's an idea.

    (I contemplated the benefits of a Snuggie more often than I like. So far I've managed to resist.)

  3. I'm good with skype... timezones confuse me but i think 8am GMT+1 here is 3pm and i'm free around 5 pm so that's 10am GMT+1 o.O that just gave me a headache lol

    I agree with posting for the sake of posting just so we have some sense of consistency, although i'm guilty of the most absences -_-'

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hey would everyone mind telling me what city your in so i can figure out the time zone thing more exactly I found this website which will be very helpful.

  6. I'm GMT+1 (aka CET (Berlin, Paris etc., NOT London)), Sterling should be GMT+2 (EET (Helsinki)).
