Tuesday 20 September 2011

Still an Addict

I just realized that it's been exactly 8 months since we started. I was looking at my first introduction and nothing really changed as much, i'm still addicted to burgers and i'm still working in the food industry.

I'm not really sure what else you know about me from the blogs I've been posting this past 8 months but here's 5 things that may help you to get to know me more:

1.) I don't eat pork - nothing religious, I just don't like the tastes.
2.) I turned 26 last June 1st
3.) My best sleep is when i'm traveling for long distances - I think maybe it's cause when I was a kid they'd drive me around to sleep.
4.) I love to drink coffee but I shouldn't
5.) Something new though is that I Opened my own business last May which is eating up most of my time. I now supply desserts to restaurants that wants to outsource that part of their business

Task of the Day: your turn to ask me questions of things you want to know.

Hear from you guys soon


P.S. Just saw the e-mail, I added you guys on skype =D


  1. Happy extremely belated birthday!

  2. Question, what's the best hamburger you've ever had?

  3. Thanks hehe

    What a difficult first question o.O I don't have a favorite place but I really really like Wagyu burgers. Wagyu is a type of cattle that produces really good meat. I like my burgers simple and I really want to taste the beef. A really good kaiser roll with maybe an oat or sesame top really makes a difference too. So it's not so much the place but more of the ingredients they use.

    (this question made me sweat LOL)

  4. Why can't you have coffee? That doesn't sound good (I can't handle filter coffee, for whatever reason, but luckily "proper" coffee isn't a problem).

    Questions, hm... what's your favourite dessert to prepare? Anything uber-simple and yummy?

  5. @enika Cause of my reflux -_-'

    my favorite dessert to make is "turon" which is a local street food here in the philippines. here's my post about it in dailybooth http://dailybooth.com/rubeniv/7302736#c25137008 i like it because it's so comforting and when we make it here at home everyone helps out with wrapping. we make a lot of it then freeze them for future consumption ^_^

  6. wait, hold up proper coffee? Filter coffee is the standard for coffee here what are you drinking?

  7. @ruben that looks awesome. Fried bananas and crispy stuff... nom.

    @allysa Either stovetop "espresso" at home (not really espresso, but I can't recommend trying to argue that point with non-barrista Italians ;) ), or real espresso from the store. Espresso beans are roasted longer (--> lower acidity) and the water isn't in contact with the coffee powder as long, so certain whatevers (too lazy to look up translations) don't get dissolved.

  8. I figured it would be espresso (which is mostly what I drink (because I prefer the taste)) but whenever we were in Europe my mom would order coffee and get instant which is usually terrible.

  9. Instant? seriously? That's awful (where the heck did you travel to get instant? Usually "coffee" will get you filter (or Turkish coffee), and if you want anything fancier/espresso-based you have to specify.) Although it probably depends what kind of place you order it in, and whether you're in a tea or a coffee country xD
