Tuesday 12 July 2011

Finish What I Started

Yet another topic that I am not very inclined with. Only because I really wasn't that interested to begin with.

I watched all of the movies so far just for the sake of finishing something that I already started. But judging the story from the movies i'd say it was just ok for my taste, But entertaining enough to not hate it. 

My favorite part is the cinematography of the movies which really wouldn't make you read the book at all. Considering that they have had four different directors and six different directors of photography, I was very intrigued with what's going to come next each time they come out.

I have never had those biases between the book and the movie, specially in this case because I haven't read any of the books, but also I can understand how things can be difficult to translate to film considering the complexity of one's imagination. Which is why the interpretation, or imagination, of each individual involved, may it be the actors, writers, directors, editors, producers, etc., in making of the film is key to the potential success of a book turned movie.

QsOTD: What's your favorite HP movie so far? Which is your favorite novel based movie?

Hear from you guys soon



  1. At least next week you get to choose the theme :)
    My favorite movie so far was deathly hallows part one. My favorite novel based movie, Lord of the Rings every time. I also really like Bridget Jones' Diary which is based on the book of the same name.

  2. I'm not sure which one is my favorite but I guess I'd go with Prisoner of Azkaban. While I greatly dislike time travel things because they make things very very repetitive, this movie is the only one that isn't full of teenish love crap and also maintains a darker tone. The other movies, while they have much more awesome things about them, still have too much love drama that ruins them for me. (I was not interested in Harry x Cho, I was interested in their battle training - I was not interested in Ron getting jealous, I was interested in the looming war and how a young person was handling it)

    My favorite novel-movie adaptation is probably The Outsiders (based on the novel of the same name by S.E. Hinton). It's been a long time since I've read the book or watched the movie though and I might change my mind if I do see it again. Plus I haven't read the books of many of the novel based movies I've seen (not even LoTR, mind you I even own the book).

  3. Out of those I've seen often enough to remember them properly (1-5, seen 6 once, haven't seen 7.1 yet), I'd have to go with Prisoner of Azkaban for much the same reasons as sterling. It also happens to be the movie that features me favourite characters the most (Remus! (Sirius!)). I generally like the movies a lot less than the books, possibly because I'm more interested in the parent/teacher generation than Harry & Co. (But have to agree the cinematography from the third movie onwards is amazing)

    Favourite novel based movie is a toughy... Ella Enchanted? xD No seriously, that movie is amazing, but it has so little to do with the book it barely counts. So I guess Lord of the Rings.
    (If novel/short story based TV shows count: Jeeves & Wooster (with Hugh Laurie & Stephen Fry, I never thought Wodehouse would work on telly, but oh my <3) and of course the newish BBC Sherlock)
