Saturday 23 July 2011

Joyless Breakfast Marriage

I have very little to say about breakfast. To me it’s always been just something you shove down your throat when you are busy trying to get dressed so you can run to the bus. I didn’t even have breakfast for a long time when I was younger. I think I didn’t start having ‘proper’ breakfast till I was about the age of 15 - I started upper secondary and we had long days with a lot of stuff to learn, so I got hungry early and my stomach was growling hours before lunch break, which was not nice when if you happened to be sitting in a classroom that was mostly quiet, but I digress.

I don’t cook in the morning; I do not fry things, make porridge, or pick up something healthy like an apple. Usually I spend less than a minute on making my breakfast - by that I mean I heat up some ready-made over processed food that terrifies people who care about carbs, additives, and what they put in their mouth in general. Sometimes I have toast and that, as an exception, takes more than a minute to prepare. That’s about it when it comes to me and breakfast. A very cold relationship with no joy - like a forced marriage in the 50’s.

1 comment:

  1. I was much the same until I actually started to buy breakfast foods I actually like, and realized that me not being hungry in the morning was somehow linked to me going to bed hungry (before that my parents forced me to eat at least a little in the morning...). I don't really cook though. A quick microwave porridge is already quite fancy. My tea takes about five minutes to make, so I'm not really in a hurry. Anything that takes longer than my tea is quite out of the question though ;)
