Monday 4 July 2011

Giant Squid of Anger

Good Morning Nerdy Bunch it's Monday,

I try not to have a lot of pet peeves, you know let things go be chill. But there are two thing that I can not handle on the internet. First and Foremost: buisnesses who hours are either not present or buried on their website. Your hours should be on the front page of your website, that and product information are the only things I want to know. Having a big old link to hours and location is also acceptable. Having it on your contact page is less good but still works. There is NOWHERE else that information should be, and if you don't have the information on your website then I must assume you do not want me to come to your establishment.

My second pet peeve is sort of nebulous I hate when people find it necessary to mock or denigrate others on the internet. If you wouldn't say that to someone's face why say it on the internet. Just because you are internet famous or whatever does not give you the right to disregard other people's feelings. If this is hard for some, here is a video that helps.

I mean I get it you have opinions, that's great. I have some too they are probably different from yours. I think we should share them. If I think that you have a point I'll take a look at them see how they stand up to what you've said and my experience of the world. If I disagree with you I'll nod and smile and move on. This is the internet if some random stranger says something I disagree with it is not the end of the world, if it's a friend then work through it like you would with someone IRL.

phew! It's good to get that off my chest. If I had to break my life's philosophy down to a central tentant if would be: "First, do no harm." Or you know in more modern language "don't be a dick." I don't get why people feel the need to be mean and cynical when it is easier and makes you feel better to be kind or do nothing at all.

Well that was sappier then I intended it to be. I guess I've just spent enough time being angry and sad that I'm at the point where I try to face it and move past it. I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Best wishes,

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, I hate that about business sites! Why in the name of sanity did you not consider your business hours to be important enough to be on the first page with cat-sized letters? You know, so I could actually VISIT the place. And I hate it even more when they don't put up their sometimes altered business hours up anywhere for holidays. It's just beyond me why that is so hard. I don't need the history of your company, or some crummy mission statement...I need every day facts that matter to me as a customer.

    The don't be a dick rule is definitely a good one. As someone who's run forums and does so even now, I've seen a butt load of these opinionated dicks who feel the need to express themselves by practically clubbing people to death in threads. One rude member explained that she feels like no one will read what she says unless he says it like an ass, so she behaves like a douche. That was a face-palm worthy moment right there.

    I hate that people can't express their views without rudeness - it always just ends up poisoning the community (I'm on a forum where there are members who do not dare to post because of few loud and rude members who are unfortunately very active, some perfectly nice members have left the place because of them). Then there are those who think being blunt and being polite are mutually exclusive. Then they act like an ass and pride on how blunt they are or something... -___-
