Wednesday 6 July 2011

Nothing to add :(

Hm, I don't really know what to write about, since most of my internet pet peeves already came up in Allysa's and sterling's posts.

Businesses (libraries, offices...) that hide their opening hours are evil. My university's libraries are brilliant at this. For some reason the institutes rarely link to their own libraries, so you have go through a labyrinth of pages starting from the main library to find out when the institute ones are open. You'd think they'd link to that from the library database. It tells you all sorts of crap about the library that holds whatever book you're looking for except opening hours & the address.

Carelessly bad English does bother me, especially when native speakers do it, but I'm somewhat guilty of it as well (of/off is my main problem, I don't pay enough attention to the little words - I know the difference between the two, of course, I just keep on dropping the second f when it's off). But what bugs me even more is when people jump on others just because their English isn't perfect. The nerdfighter ning was especially bad, even though people on there knew we had a lot of members that weren't native speakers (and a lot of dyslexics). But as soon as you made a typo or grammatical error people called you stupid, and (ergo) your argument invalid.

I guess that's it for this week? Sorry...

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