Thursday 7 July 2011

Online pet peeves?

I've got a few.

Firstly, much like Allysa it really annoys me when people are mean just for the sake of being mean. Just because there's supposedly more anonymity on the internet, it doesn't give people leave to go and say mean and nasty things to/about other people. I've never encountered this in Nerdfighteria, but elsewhere on the internet, people seem to revel in belittling someone else.

Secondly, living in Australia means that some things, especially TV shows and movies, are simply not available to me (legally) online, and when they are, they are disproportionately expensive. I bought the Game of Thrones soundtrack on iTunes for $16 when it cost (I think) $9 for people in the US. This completely annoys and baffles me, since there's no real difference in distribution costs when you're selling DOWNLOADS. Guh. Expecting people to pay more and/or wait longer for things than people in other countries is so not jokes.

Actually, I think that's it. Hope everyone's having an awesome week. <3

1 comment:

  1. that second part of your post totally reminded me of another pet peeve: On youtube some videos are randomly blocked from my country because of some stupid copyright stuff! Occasionally my friends over the seas send me links and I can't view them because of this. I think the most ridiculous incident was when I went to check out a video for a FINNISH BAND and it was blocked from my country! FINLAND! FINNISH BAND! FINLAND! wtf?

    Had to search for another video with the song. Guh.

    Then there are the websites for American TV shows...not only do they block the ability to view episodes (which is understandable more or less), they also block you from seeing previews and stupid behind the scenes yammerings that are like...five seconds long anyways! -facepalm- So, yay. I can't even see all those funky episode previews people keep linking me to...unless they're uploaded on youtube instead.
