Friday 15 July 2011

To the well-organised mind, death is but the next great adventure.


I saw Deathly Hallows Part 2 this morning. I can't even...

First of all, it was awesome. I'm one of those people who can completely separate an adaptation from its source material. It helps me to enjoy the adaptations more, since it's basically impossible to completely and perfectly adapt anything to screen without making a few concessions.

Anyway, I was seriously impressed by Alan Rickman's performance. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, but that's what I'll say. All of the performances were great, but Alan just stood out as being just...amazing. Augh. DH wasn't my favourite of the books, but I'd have to say that the two films combined are the best in the series. I'm sad that there won't be any more films (at least with the cast to which I am accustomed).

People keep talking about how this is the end. That somehow, because there are no more books and no more movies, the magic will simply fade away. I'd like to respectfully disagree; so long as Harry Potter is a part of us, it will be a part of our world.

I can't wait to see what will happen next!

Question: Who is your favourite character in Harry Potter? Why?

Mine is Remus Lupin. he's just such an all-around good guy. He *does* have his flaws, but he's a powerful, kind and caring wizard. Close second is Snape...because Snape, that's why.


  1. I think my favorite is Tonks. She's interesting, yet she's kinda brushed off in the movies and in the books which has always bugged me (...and then she just dies "off screen" in the books). I also love McGonagall, Luna, Remus and Sirius.

  2. As for favourite character, it really depends on whether we talk books or movie. In the books it's definitely Remus (who gets way too little screen time in the films), in the movies it'd be either Ron or Snape.
