Wednesday 13 July 2011

I wish there'd been less Harry Potter in Harry Potter

It's weird seeing everyone talking about "the end of Harry Potter" these days, since I've never been into the films that much. To me Harry Potter ended a few years ago, when Deathly Hallows was released. I think the last of the movies I actually saw in a cinema was Order of the Phoenix, and until a few days ago I hadn't even seen HBP. I still haven't seen Deathly Hallows 1 yet, but will take care of that on Saturday (more on that later). It's always been about the books for me.

Being mostly into Beat and drug culture literature*, YA (let alone YA fantasy) wasn't something I was paying attention to at all. At some point between GoF and OotP I'd gotten a livejournal, which basically was a shift from being active in communities focused on specific fandoms, to a community where people talked about all the stuff they liked in the same place. I have one particular online friend who is incredibly good at spreading enthusiasm for the things she loves, and at the time OotP came out it just happened to be that (well, with a good dose of "why oh why did she have to kill Padfoot? (poor Remus)"). I read a few fics she and others recommended, got interested in the characters, and finally started to buy the novels.

So that was that. As I said in the comments to one of your posts, I'm still mostly interested in the parent/teacher generation. I'm not quite sure whether it's the characters (Remus! Mr. Weasley! Snape! Sirius! *hearts*), or just me being used to reading about adults rather than teens, but I never cared about the pupils that much. I don't think I've reread the series after Deathly Hallows. I've read bits of the first three books, since I use translations to learn other languages, but that's it. Maybe I'll get around to it this summer.

BUT (ahahahahaha) two days ago I bought tickets for a Harry Potter movie marathon Friday night (or rather, Friday afternoon until Saturday afternoon). They're showing all eight movies in a row, which is so delightfully ridiculous I just couldn't not go (even if they're dubbed in German :( ). It's going to be awesome.

To do the question thing: What's your least favourite scene in the books/movies? What's your favourite?

As for least favourite, even considering I've only read it once, I have to go with the endless camping trip in Deathly Hallows (I don't care about the trio that much, so was pretty much waiting for it to be over from the second page on) (I like to pretend the epilogue doesn't exist). The scene I returned to over and over again, mostly because of the characters, if the Shrieking Shack bit in Prisoner of Azkaban (again: characters! so lovely.)

1 comment:

  1. This is a tough pick since there are a whole variety of scenes I disliked in HP, but in both movies and books I greatly disliked the part in Deathly Hallows Ron starts throwing a jealous hissy fit over Harry and Hermione.

    My favorite, however, was probably when the so called Dumbledore's army is training together. Too bad it's so ridiculously short. In the books I also liked the scene where it's revealed Tonks' patronus has changed.
