Monday 29 August 2011


Good Morning Nerdy Bunch it's Monday!

I went home this weekend, and for those of you who are wondering yes I did have some chicken soup. It was the yearly fair and I went on Saturday afternoon. I listened to the main stage act and had my first ever corn dog (Inspired by Hank Green) i didn'
t actually like it that much probably because I don't really like hot dogs.

On the walk home I went through the park near my house, the park I played in as a child. There are lots of big obvious changes. Certain death-trap play-structures have been replaced by sanitary metal bars in jarring colours that don't look like much fun at all. A lot of things were the same though the dusty ball diamond with the weed encroaching, that has always had weeds encroaching. The slide that provided hours of amusement stands as tall as it does in my memory. The monkey bars are tempting, but I don't quite have the enthusiasm for hanging upside-down that my younger self had. I went on the merry-go-round and am pleasantly su
rprised by how fast it spins, no wonder I was so scared of it as a kid. Now, I lean my head back as the sky spins around my head. I am suspended in a perfect nostalgic moment. I feel like I am floating above the ground. I contemplate how the playground and I have changed, and how we have stayed the same. Caught on the edge between laughter and tears I realize that I would never want to go back to where I have been, I have come so far. Descending from my merry-go-round contemplation I walk through a patch of small yellow flowers they are identical to the ones I picked as a child and I am glad that I have come home so I can realize how far I've come.
Best Wishes,


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