Tuesday 16 August 2011

Vivid Dreams

I almost always remember my dreams and it's always so vivid.

I have recurring dreams where I would glide from tree to tree like how they would in the movie "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" or I would be eating something that I've been craving.

Sometimes I would have dreams that sort of happens in real life. Like the one time where I dreamt that I was trapezing in Singapore and weirdly enough they had it in Sentosa when I visited. Or I dreamt that they would be building condos in a particular area and after a year they did. And it's not the type where I saw it and said that I deamt about it. I actually write my dreams down sometimes so I can tell my sister about it.

Sometimes I get dreams were nothing makes sense. I had a dream that I went to the beach with my friends and we lived in a colorful pigeonhole type house where we had to climb ladders to get to our rooms. Another is that I was in a tea party that turned into a wedding, but because the wedding is taking forever to start it tuned into a club . Those are my favorite once because it so interesting to share.

Drew the Pigeonhole House at the beach circa 1998

QOTD: Have you had any dreams that came true?

Hear from you guys soon


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