Wednesday 17 August 2011

What is that "dream" thing people keep on talking about?

Darn it, I missed last week, and this week I don't really have much to say :(

I've been blessed with extremely deep sleep ever since I was a baby (massive thunderstorms, people emptying her tent, fire alarms... enika sleeps on), so it shouldn't be too much of a surprise that I generally don't remember my dreams (not even for a split second after waking up). There's one particularly scary dream from my childhood, which I still remember both because it was bloody scary (someone was trying to drop cars on us) and because for many, many years it was the only time I actually remembered dreaming (I actually believed I didn't dream until I found out everyone does a few years ago).
Nowadays I do very occasionally remember dreams, but only when I don't sleep well, which is usually when I'm anxious, and usually just tackle whatever I'm anxious about in a more or less "real" setting (even if the characters seem to be rather randomly plucked from my life). Oddly enough I remember things like thinking in-dream that I've been to certain dream places before, sometimes I even think I've been revisiting the same for years, but I wouldn't actually be able to tell you if that's the case, if I even dreamed that at all, or what those places look like when I'm awake.

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