Wednesday 30 March 2011

Busy Bee

I am opening a commissary in exactly 9 days and all I've been doing  is pushing papers for the past 2 months just to get all the proper registrations and permits for me to operate. I can't wait for everything to finish so that I can start working in the kitchen again.

This is almost a promotion to what I've been already doing for the past 2 years, which is working from my kitchen at home. This time I'll be able to make bigger orders and supply larger companies.

So far the most enjoyable part is the canvasing of equipments and the least is signing those checks to pay for them. I wish I had unlimited resources because every time I go in a show room there's always something that I really want to buy but I don't really need. I actually convince myself that I needed those chocolate molds I just bought earlier. Not that they're very expensive, in fact I got them really cheap, but I have another stainless table I need to buy which should be the priority. Note to self: No more impulse buying!!

I really should get started with sorting out these piles of recipes and start costing them.

Tuesday's Question: What are your shopping habits?

Hear from you guys soon,



  1. My shopping habits right now are;stay inside or at the library so you are not tempted to shop. I tend to be an impulse buyer as well specifically with art supplies some of which i make good use of and others which I almost never use. I have an unbelievable number of bead for someone who's never completed a beading project!

  2. Same here, I try to avoid shops I like just so I don't buy anything.

    Sometimes I buy useless kitchen tools and almost never use them.. like a ravioli press LOL I think I've only used it 2-3 times. Now it's dust gathering dust somewhere in the kitchen.

  3. I've gotten fairly good at not buying things, mostly because I live on a teensy budget, which is mostly invested in food (could spend less on food and buy other stuff, but... nah, couldn't ;) ). When I impulse buy it's mostly little/cheap things that "might" come in handy (bought a bloody empanada press last week... I don't think I've ever made empanadas), 'cause as much as I like good food, I'm an extremely lazy cook.
    The worst things are books and fancy soaps (Lush is my bank account's doom), so I try to stay away from the stores in question.

  4. I'm pretty sure I spend too much on food so I totally understand where you're coming from with that =P

    ohhh I don't think I have an empanada press. I want one LOL even though I would probably never use it XD

    I can't go in Lush, I get really really bad allergies with the strong scents
