Thursday 31 March 2011

Time management

Hi nerdy bunch! I'm loving this general blogging week.

The last few weeks before mid-semester break are usually really stressful for me. It's usually the time where I have four major essays / assignments, usually around 2,000 words each. This semester, I've got a Criminal Law assignment due on the 11th of April, and two assignments due on the 21st for Contract Law and TV&Pop Culture. The Contract Law assignment topic isn't released until the 14th of April, so that gives me a good three weeks to:

a) Finish Criminal Law assignment before 11 April;
b) Start and finish TV&Pop Culture before the 14th of April;
c) Start and finish Contract Law before the 21st of April.

The problem with a) is that there is NO WORD LIMIT for the assignment. Seriously. We're presented with a scenario and we have to explore their criminal liability, and if we miss an offence we can't get more than 75% for the assignment, but if we have TOO MANY offences it looks like we're just clutching at straws. Our tutor told us to not go above 2500 words if possible, and I'm nearly at 3,000 words and still haven't finished my first draft. This is making me worry that I've got too many offences and then I want to cut one out, but I'm afraid of doing so because it might mean that my marks are significantly reduced.


So, now I'm off to attempt to finish this bloody assignment. Wish me luck!


1 comment:

  1. General Blogging is so much more convenient LOL you don't have to think, you just type.

    Those are very interesting subjects, well at least for me, so I too would find it difficult to limit the words I'll use.

    Good Luck ^_^
