Friday 25 March 2011

When you just get too tired...

Being green, it’s a rather empty topic for me. I haven’t been passionate about being green in a long while. I’m not quite sure what happened. I remember when the climate change was really thrown onto the table - I think it was right before Inconvenient Truth was out, though my memory might serve me wrong on this one. I was in upper secondary at the time. In school a lot of the classes discussed climate change and how to treat the environment, how to conserve energy, which was nothing new really, but they still brought it up a lot, and I do mean a lot.

Online I ran into a lot of people who were loudly proclaiming how climate change (or, global warming, as it was referred to back then) was bull crap and some conspiracy to essentially make people miserable. Of course this was lunacy. It really got my blood boiling. I have a low stamina when it comes to certain types of idiocy. Anyways, this idiocy actually got me pumped about the topic, it got me to care more. During a Finnish course that was focused on speeches, debates and manipulation with words, we had to make a speech about something that we cared about. I ended up talking about the climate change and how it’s ridiculous to pretend it’s not happening. I researched the topic, methods of saving energy, and being more eco-friendly. I made a passionate speech. Now I just don’t have the energy. Now, the most I do is snort disapprovingly with mom when we notice that the street lamps at our apartment building’s yard are on even during the day. I do recycle, and I might pick up an occasional trash, but it’s automatic behavior by now. I don’t feel any passion towards the subject matter anymore and I avoid confrontations, I avoid debates related to it. I barely even find it interesting as it’s been mulled over so much. By now it feels like flogging a dead horse, even though the horse is still alive since idiots are keeping it plugged in, despite the fact that it’s a vegetable.

My uncle has fairly recently gotten into the loony band wagon of believing everything that is not main stream, just because it’s different. This includes stating that climate change is nothing but a way to cash in and take money away from the little people. Sure, climate change and humans have been demonized, considering the Earth goes through warner and colder periods naturally, but we’ve still made a big impact on the climate, there is simply no denying that. My uncle knows that, I suspect. He’s just going through some weird phase - he might even be trolling me, that bugger. Before stuff like this would have seriously annoyed me, I would have passionately gotten into research and then debate. But now, now I just felt a nasty sting in my chest and then detached myself from the situation; I locked up and kept the discussion short. Funny how things change. This is not to say that I don’t give a damn about the environment anymore. I do care, despite losing passion in discussing it. People who actually do not care are missing a lot about the world.

Well, this was a pointless messy ramble. I’m sorry, here’s a random picture I took few years back to make it all better. It has green and everything! :D


1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling your talking about when it feels like talking to people about an issue is like hurling yourself against a brick wall.
