Monday 28 March 2011


Hello Nerdy Bunch,

It's monday!

Today I empathize with Garfield, Monday's can really suck. I had an idea for a post where I would shared some insightful thoughts about why making fun of Rebecca Black, Twilight, Justin Bieber is actually pretty problematic, but . . . I'm not going too. Because I'm tired I have a massive project due Thursday, I spent four hours sitting in a library reading about why people do evil things. I have a headache and I'm tired. So today I'm just going to give you a little life update and you will have to wait with bated breath for my insight to return.

Ok question time; can I swear on this blog? right now I'd probably describe my behaviour (the internet wants me to correct this to behavior -I will continue to ignore it because I AM CANADIAN) as being bitchy and then apologize for it. I know that people often have different tolerances for swearing I went to high-school with several people who didn't curse at all. Personally I don't swear often so it's not a big deal, I just like to know where the line is. (so I can nuzzle up against it.)

Right, now that we have that little diversion out of the way it is time for a life update! I am 20 days away from conditional graduation (I only have a practicum left)! Pretty awesome and terrifying. So I have one major assignment left an annotated Bibliography on Evil for a class on traumatic conflict. I have one reflection for that class left, one test three exams and then I'm done. Right now I just feel stressed and tired although I'm doing better than I was in December seeing as how I'm mostly managing to eat three meals a day and sleep more that six hours a night. But I do have a twitchy eyelid. In essence my life is boring and stressful, lucky you all get to hear about it. Also because I graduating I should probably find a dress to where what with being respectable and presentable and all of that hogwash. ( I do not love formal clothes)

I know I say this every week but I loved all of your posts again, very thoughtful.
I also feel like the punctuation in this post is pretty shaky so apologies for that.

Best Wishes,

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I'd rather see as few swear-words as possible (not including words like damn, hell, crap and other mild ones etc. I'm talking about words like 'fuck').

    While I curse like a sailor, I don't like seeing it in writing - in blogs or forum posts. This is simply because it makes everything seem *extremely* immature. It's like looking at a 12-year-old boy who's high on the fact that his parents aren't around so he is free to swear and show off to his little buddies in the process. I just can't take a person and their words seriously if their post has a lot of swear-words. :P
