Friday 4 March 2011

What is this "sun" you speak of?

[Picture on the left is my main WoW character]

This morning, at 10 AM, I woke up with more ease than I have all week. Sure I would have loved to stay in my bed but I actually didn’t mind getting up. I didn’t even put my cell phone on snooze three times. I got up before the first snooze alarm set off. The sun was shining again. After months of darkness even I, essentially a night person, am pleased when the sun is shining. The down side is though that it’s a sign of spring. God I hate spring. Too warm but not warm enough to wear only a sweater so either you feel too cold or you are sweating - or both at the same time. Snow is melting so everything is slushy, nights are cold through, so in the morning everything is frozen and I may as well just skate to the bus stop. Yes. I hate spring. So very much. I’m just glad it’s not completely slushy yet. I’m still hoping to see another set of -30C weather before the actual spring begins. But I digress. I got my ass out of bed with less trouble than usual. Did my morning routine with some haste and rushed to the bus stop, since I suddenly decided to get on an earlier bus so I can be in the classroom early. All this because the class has a lot of people attending and I want to sit in a good spot. Do not undermine the importance of a good spot.

I was almost half an hour early at the university, so I sat on a couch opposite of the classroom door. I took out my notebook and started doodling. I’ve realized I haven’t drawn anything detailed and nice in a while. I haven’t even felt like drawing in a while. Or I get little spikes or drawing urge and they fade fast as I get distracted by Internet. I was trying to draw a stylized buffalo. I like the shape of a buffalo and it’s really the thing I remember best when it comes to their anatomy. I quickly grew frustrated because I couldn’t draw proper details in the head area since I knew I couldn’t remember the anatomy well enough. At this point a friend of mine sat next to me so I closed the notebook, focusing on chatting with her.

I had been trying to sign up to do an exam on the topography of Athens, but I wasn’t sure if I could find the correct course from the sign up area. I also wasn’t sure how many credits the course was worth. The only course I could find that could contain the topography of Athens course was one titled topography and cultural geography of classical antiquity, and it was worth a lot more credits than the work amount of the course I had attended. I knew that there are several courses that would fit this area so I figured that topography of Athens might be third of it. My friend had also attended that course so I just consulted her and seems like my conclusions were correct. But apparently she had gotten those 6 credits for just topography of Athens. Rather confusing. I wouldn’t mind getting 6 credits though, I need all the credits I can get, or I will owe money for the social insurance company. And I already owe them money.

So, we just rambled about pointless things. Like how ugly the painting behind us was. I knew the artist and I know some of her pieces are very nice, but unfortunately the ones that do get displayed at our university are not all that great, not the ones I end up staring at most of my days anyways. We came to the conclusion that the painting actually makes us feel nauseous. I don’t think that was intended from the artist’s part. It was a big blue painting that had what looked like pieces of thin red tape scattered on it. It was like looking at red and orange French fries floating on water. Or pieces or French fry shaped carrots floating on water, to be exact. Rarely does bright red or dark and saturated orange go well with bright, really saturated, blue. Eugh.

So, after we were done complaining, we went to the class room. Got that nice spot I was aiming for. My pal and I chatted some more and then we spotted a guy who we hadn’t seen since summer and chatted with him. He claimed he had been on a drinking streak. We proceeded to discuss chess and Texas Hold ‘Em. The lecture started pretty soon after that.

The lecture was for a course called The “Celts” - Iron Age in Western and Central Europe. The lecturer is a good one but he covers everything so fast that I’ve been having trouble at writing notes. I always write 99.9% of the time during his classes, and I have to do it really fast. So my handwriting is lousy and I end up shortening words in a really odd manner. I’m surprised if I’ll be able to read my notes later. The course all and all has been fascinating so far. The first thing we learned was that the use of the word Celts/Celtic isn’t really scientific and it shouldn’t even be used since, long story short, it’s highly uncertain who Celtic refers to. Concept of Celts is largely based on the writings of authoritarian figures from ancient Rome, we can't be sure what exactly is it that they count as Celts since they didn't exactly define what Celts were and why they were considered Celtic. Hence we can't be sure which group was Celtic, were several culturally different groups all referred to as Celts, where they lived etc. Anyways, after writing for two hours, the whole shebang was over. I only had this one lecture to attend.

I hopped on a bus, picked up some strawberry juice from the store and came home. I immediately got on-line and checked all the sites I go to regularly and then I ate some excellent food while watching The Simpsons. Started playing World of Warcraft once I didn’t feel like my stomach was about to explode from om nom nom goodness anymore. I died in an annoying place so I just went frak it and closed the game for now.

And that’s where I am now. I’m planning to watch the new Bones and Grey’s Anatomy episodes. The rest of the evening should be spent watching things online as well as maybe playing WoW some more. Just nice chillaxing stuff. Tomorrow I might actually get some stuff done.

Ta ta darlings! See you next Friday! :P *goes to weekend hibernation*


  1. Oh my goodness I know what you mean about missing the sun, and I'm not a night person. I how ever adore spring (mostly because I hate having cold toes). Also your classes sound really interesting, although I'm sure you don't always feel that way :P

  2. I'm a winter person xD I simply love winter. Snow is beautiful and I won't die from heat since it's wonderfully cold.

    Most of the time our classes are interesting. The problem usually the lecturers. And whether they are able to be anything but monotonic when speaking. Finnish language by nature is fairly monotonic, especially compared to English. But usually the lecturers manage to do a decent job. :P I can't really recall a class that was boring. But I can remember courses that were made boring by the lecturer...

    Also: I'm disappointed, there were no new Bones or Grey's Anatomy episodes this week. I shall now proceed to pout.

  3. We've got too much sun here! You can have ours. :D

  4. No thanks, too much sun makes me cranky. And too much sun = warm = eeew. Besides during the summer we have polar night; the Sun doesn't really set properly, if at all (Midnight sun - summer solistice). The sky never really goes dark. xD I figure I can stand it better after spending most of the year in darkness.

  5. Your classes sound really interesting.
    I'm sooo glad it's spring now that the last snow/slush/icy mudd is gone. Still haven't gotten used to how bright it is out there though ;) And, you know, it'd be nice if it finally stopped freezing at night.

  6. The internet is bad like that, keeps you stagnant and distracts you from developing your motor skills XD

    I hate taking notes o.O

    i also don't like snow but I like cold weathers hehe almost typical for people of the tropics XP

  7. Cold is my favourite; living in Queensland means zero snow, ever. :(
