Monday 21 March 2011

It's not easy being green!

Good Morning Nerdy Bunch, It's still Monday for a few minutes!

I leave the lights on, often. It's a bad habit. Like most people I do things that are environmentally friendly and environmentally unfriendly, although I try to do more of the former. There are to things that I get really psyched about when it comes to the environment. First sustainable, ethical and responsible use of natural resources. Canada is a country with a lot of natural resources; fish, lumber, oil, and minerals are some of them. Each of these resources comes with there own particular issues, they each implact the enviroment in a multitude of ways some of which may not necessarily be obvious. It's our job as citizens to hold our governments responsible. We need to insist that they regulate the corporations that do the logging and mining so that we don't poison the land and so that there are resources left for future generations.

The second thing that I'm really passionate about is green technology. I have Hank Green to thank in part for that. I think one of the most important parts of looking after the enviroment comes from using our ginourmous brains to think of new ways of being. In particular I find alternative energy sources fascinating. The province where I live is well set up for this. we already use a lot of hydro power. Of course hydro power isn't perfect it does create disruption of certain habitats, but it is an alternative to fossil fuels. We also have a lot of moderately hilly land and high winds areas that are optimal for wind farms. There is an area near where I live that has a lot of wind turbines and I personally think they're beautiful. Unfortunately there are some people who really don't like them. They can also be harmful to birds and are particularily bad for bats. They are not a perfect alternative. That's why we need to keep imagining and dreaming up new ways of creating power. Personally I don't stand with the doom-sayers when it comes to the planet, I believe that we have the capacity to change the world!

Thanks for the posts last weeks they were all excellent, I'm sorry if I wasn't up to par with my commenting I entering the most stressful part of term when I have major essays due, I'm also working on my plans for after graduation so I'm a little stressed out right now and might not be totally on top of things.

Best Wishes,

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