Wednesday 2 March 2011

My superexciting Wednesday (*yawn*)

Today was one of those days. I'd set my alarm to 9am, hit snooze until 10, and then fell back asleep for another hour or so. Way to get things done. After crawling into the kitchen for some breakfast (tea & bread), I checked stuff on the internet (which seems to take an hour nowadays... oops), and then did some Norwegian exercises. After that there was lunch (leftovers from last night's dinner), and after wasting some more time (I think I was playing Monkey Island? I don't even remember) I put on my coat & scarf and headed to town. Since it was sunny I was a good girl and walked (except for that short bit where I took the elevator - it's called “upper town” for a reason). Desperately tried to find the-place-with-the-recycling-bags but failed (It moved, we need bagses :( ), and tried to find a jacket for spring but failed as well (there seems to be a conspiracy among designers these days to only produce clothes Enika looks ridiculous in). Then I was off to the organic grocery store to buy stuff-on-bread for mildly-lactose-intolerant-lacto-vegetarians-that-hate-jam & my favourite goat cheese (but failed to remember to buy fresh veg). Oh yeah, and fair trade chocolate, which surprisingly seems to have stopped being awful at some point in the last few years (I went back to non-ft before because it tasted so bloody bad).

Back home there was moar tea, and then I got stuck refreshing news websites after someone shot folks at an airport about an hour from where I live. Then had more tea to deal with the increasing level of rage regarding the islamophobic news coverage. I think I got stuck playing games after that again (bad Anne...). Then I was a good little citizen and read up on our new minister of the interior (one of our mins had to resign 'cause he'd plagiarized a good chunk of his doctoral thesis. My inner academic was outraged, my inner middle-class lefty happy to see the sleazy aristocratic bastard in trouble, and the rest of me amused by all the lulz it provided). After that I threw together a quick soup for dinner (boring plain potato, thanks to no veg) and caught up with my roommate, who'd brought home the beauty that is the ballot for our upcoming local election (it's a bloody A1-sized sheet of pink paper and we have 81 votes to distribute. I don't even know how to unfold that thing in our teensy tiny voting booths. It's almost as if they didn't want people to vote.). And then I had dinner, watched a concert video I bought yesterday and started writing this. Next up is trying to persuade myself to stop watching said video and instead work on my essays. We'll see how that goes...

In short: wasted way too much time on the internet & playing games.

Yeah... my life is exiting right now ;)


  1. Ah yes I too am a slave to the snooze button. What kind of tea do you drink? I'm a big tea fan. I feel your pain with the coat buisness, It took me a month to find a coat that fit and didn't make me look stupid this fall. (I wish you much luck with the hunt)

  2. Oyh, I'm a total snooze button maniac too. For quite a while I've had the habit of hitting the snooze button at least three times before bothering to get up x___x No wonder I always end up speed-walking to the bus stop.

    And I think the clothing industry is a conspiracy against people bigger than size zero. Which is why I despise shopping for pants and shirts. Jackets I've been able to find alright, at least winter coats. I don't have need for a spring jacket, I have an old suede jacket that I like to use <3

    Oh god, all the islamophobic stuff down right pisses me off! It's so ridiculous! Gets my blood boiling. >:(

    What sorta essays do you have to write? :3

  3. During the day usually black teas (usually the assam blend that's traditional in the region I grew up in), sometimes with a little ginger or star anise... yum.

    I've had the same jacket for seven or eight years, so it's about time (it started to fall apart about two years ago, so...). Unfortunately everything nowadays is either super short or has one of those waist-belt thingies, both of which look ridiculous on a girl with an awkwardly long back. Winter coats are easier :) (and lovely. Not really into fashion, but oh, coats...)

    Ugh, essays. I have two Sociology essay and one in both Art History and English Lit lined up (15-25 pages each). No fun...

  4. jebus! Those are really long essays D: I wouldn't even call those essays anymore!

  5. i'm glad i'm not the only one who does the snooze thing XD

    I love tea ^_^ but I can't have as much as you do, i'll start palpitating hehe. Maybe those herbal no caffeine once would be better.

    I'm so glad our weather here doesn't require us to buy too many seasonal clothes. we basically only have 2 seasons wet and dry. I do have jackets though for when I travel to places Where I might need one and so far my only complaint is the price tag and not the design selections.

    did you finish the video? what concert did you watch?

  6. It's not that much caffeine, really. I only have two or three cups (well... mugs) a day. Herbal teas (and fruit infusions) are nice too though :)

    Yeah, I was lazy and finished the video, but at least reviewed some vocab on the side :) It was a concert by a Norwegian rock band I'm rather fond of, actually a few years old but I never got around to buying it (mostly because there are other (better) recordings around)
