Thursday 3 March 2011

Thursday's child has far to go


I'll start my account of my day from when it began, which was technically at 00:00 last night. Being a Uni student, I had just got home from some drinks/dinner with friends at the Red Room (UQ's awesome bar/grill. Just as an aside, the Red Room was momentarily renamed to "The Second Degree" *insert unenthusiastic laughter here* but then it was changed back to Red Room because obviously Second Degree was far too punny). From there we went back to my friend's friend's house where we went for a swim.

So at around midnight I got home, my clothes were drenched because I swam in them (I hadn't planned on going swimming when I left for uni that afternoon). I then spent a few hours playing Lord of the Rings Online and researching some family history on a few ancestry sites. I found out that I can trace one relative back to 15th Century England, which is kinda cool.

Fast forward to 11am, when I woke up. Being March 3 it's technically Autumn (Fall) here but really, it's still Summer. It was terribly hot and after breakfast I HAD to walk down the road and buy a few refreshing beverages. Once that was all done, I played more LOTRO and did some reading for my Constitutional Law lecture tomorrow. My life is so freaking exciting <_<

Tonight, I ate Kangaroo meat for the first time EVER. It was in sausage form, and let me just tell you that Kangaroo is tasty, but the texture is sooooooooo weird. Also, it's a little strange to be eating your national emblem. Just saying.

I also found out that once I finish my uni degree I'll be the first person on my dad's side of the family to get a university degree. NO PRESSURE AT ALL.

Oh, and I created a Goodreads account today! I'm doing the "Read 50 Books this year" challenge on Your Pants, which should be a fun undertaking.

Anyway, must dash!
DFTBA - misspronounced.


  1. My school has a cafe called degrees, which I did not even realize was a pun until just now, *facepalm*. Also I would like to eat my national animal someday but it's not as interesting as a kangaroo (the noble beaver). The second thing I have learned from this post is about goodreads might have to make myself an account.

  2. Ooo you play LOTRO! I was gonna start playing since a class mate also plays but I couldn't get the fraker to work on my comp. If I remember right, it just wouldn't install right and got stuck. And it installed this little program on the side that pretty much snoops around your information so I always had to delete that crap etc... boooy that was annoying crap.

    I wouldn't mind eating our national animal since they are pretty usual food, or used to be. It's a brown bear. However, I would feel odd about eating our national bird: Whooper Swan. It's a protected species and you will get quite a ticket for killing one. :P

    Oh and I'm the first person to even go through upper secondary education in my family (both sides)! xD I heard someone attended upper secondary but never got a Matriculation Examination degree out of it. And by default I am the only one to attend university. I do have a distant relative in Sweden who is an anthropologist so she has obviously gone through higher level education. But that's about it as far as I know. Oh! I should email her, I haven't talked to her in quite a while!

  3. I don't even know what our national animal is... let alone bird (ahaha, apparently our national animal is the eagle, but our national bird is the white stork... I think we just plutoed eagles out of their bird status xD). Yeah, not so much into eating endangered animals... and highly allergic to poultry. I don't think I'm going to nom them anytime soon.

    My Dad was the first to get upper secondary ed & go to uni on his side of the family as well. My grandma still thinks he should've stayed in his village and learned a "proper" trade ;)

  4. I miss uni life XD

    I have eaten 2 out of the 3 national non-humans. The Carabao which is a local water buffalo, and Bangus, milk fish, which is out national fish.

    In our family, out of all the RUBENs i'm the first one to get a degree. They didn't tell me until I graduated XD

    do you have a list of books you want to read?
