Friday 1 April 2011

Friday's Monday

This Friday hasn't been all that interesting since I didn't have classes today and I've pretty much just wasted time. I got a text message from a museum teaching assistant telling me to call her on Monday about a job, I tried to practice playing guitar and I worked on a sketch of a drawing I'm making for a friend of mine.

All rights reserved! Do not use, modify or reproduce
the image in any way without my written permission!

(my doodle, needs some fixing in face's obviously very much unfinished)

So, nothing much was up today, hence I'm going to tell you about my Monday and how two people managed to ruin it:

Today I woke up thinking that it would be a nice day. Seemed like nothing terrible would be able to happen, I just had one decent class (animal osteology) to attend, after all. Unfortunately I was wrong. Two hours after I woke up, I had to hop on a bus and that's when my day took a turn. And I got pissed off.

On the first bus (I need to change buses mid-way) the ride was fine, I was still hopped up on sun shine and cool air. No one even sat next to me, breaking my personal space, so I was comfortable. But when I got to the stop I was supposed to get off on, the driver wouldn't open the door! He only opened the door in the front half of the bus, which people use to get on.

Some other passengers and I just stared as the driver started to put on his jacket, figuring he'd push the button once he got his jacket on but no...he actually gets off the bus! and start chatting with another driver, who would be taking over for him, outside instead! IN NO HURRY, it seemed! Someone even called out to the driver before he got off but he didn't seem to notice, or care.

Mind you I'm always in a hurry when I have to make the switch to another bus and make it to university before the lecture starts, so I was not up for waiting till the other driver would get on and get her act together. After a while of confused and frustrated waiting, I got pissed off, stormed to the front of the bus and angrily hopped off ignoring what the other passengers did. I wanted to say something snippy to the drivers but I was too pissed off and in a hurry...I had already seen one of the buses that usually take me to uni leave the other bus stop across the street.

So I rushed to the crosswalk but the light was red for pedestrians. While I was waiting, another bus passed by. This particular crosswalk always pisses me off, the green light for cars is always insanely long, making the red for pedestrians annoyingly long. Then the green light for pedestrians is ridiculously short - I always feel bad for old people, who might actually have to take longer than ten seconds to get across...

Well, anyways, I finally get across and manage to catch another bus. I have 15 minutes to get to uni, if I really want to be on time. 15 minutes, plenty of time, I figure, so long as the bus leaves asap. But nooo. Some goddamn idiot, who is not mentally retarded but clearly has a rather low IQ (I suspect he had drunk himself stupid or used drugs, really looked and sounded like the type), starts digging the multiple pockets of his shabby pants, hoodie, and jacket for his ticket but can't find it. He asks the driver to wait and she does. He digs and digs till he gets on the bus... and digs some more. Then his friend, who had already got on, comes back to the front of the bus because the idiot asked him where he put the tickets. The pal says that he put them in his pocket....the guy digs and digs and can't find it. After what seemed like forever he finally comes to terms with the fact that he won't find them, so he buys a ticket for him and his pal while blabbering like a moron.

At this point I have to mention this was the kind of an idiot that doesn't seem to know how to control his voice volume...AND his voice was low and gravelly making it unbearable and unavoidable to listen to him, though I think the content of his ramblings was the thing that made him more unbearable to listen to.

Anyways, after buying a ticket, he starts walking to the back of the bus and growls with his gravelly voice that "Ni***rs have it so much easier" as if black people here don't have to pay for a ticket or something (which they do, even if they don't know Finnish). The whole trip I can hear his low, loud, gravelly blabbering and my urge to murder someone keeps rising. Then, in the middle of the trip, he walks up to the driver because he found his goddamn ticket. He tries to get his money back from the new tickets he purchased, but the driver cannot reverse a transaction so late. They debate over it for a little while and then he starts walking back. As he's right next to me, he suddenly loudly growls "FUCK" in English. I was not pleased to have a sudden loud noise right next to my ear. I wanted to get up and punch him right in the face and then bash his idiotic face against the floor till he regretted the day he was born.

And that is how my nice day was ruined. It only took one driver and one low-IQ jackass.


  1. Yeah, I know how a bus trip can ruin the rest of your day--I have to catch two buses to get to uni as well, and one of them is often late which means I have to wait an extra half-hour, and it sucks! Hope you have a better day tomorrow :)

  2. I've had that happen too. When I lived out of town I had to leave two hours early because of a switch and I had to wait half an hour for the bus I had to switch to. So when I had an 8AM class I would wake up at 4.45AM and be out the door by 6AM. It was bit of a hell. And when I got out of uni, I often had to wait for an hour for a bus.

    Nowadays when I have to wait for half an hour I just remind myself of the time when I had to wait for an hour and wake up before a rooster has the chance to even fart. xD

  3. I have soo many bus stories when I lived in California for 2 years.

    I personally love most of my bus rides , specially the long ones, because I get to clear my mind during those times. Also because I like people watching. There's so many kinds of people riding the bus that all you can do is laugh sometimes when things like that happen.

    One really bad experience though was when some random guy punched the girl beside me for no reason then stormed out the bus. Everyone asked her if she knew him but she had no clue.
