Monday 11 April 2011

The good old hockey ... films and books

Good Morning Nerdy bunch it's Monday!

So this Saturday I did one thing besides think about exams, I went out for a drink with my lovely friends on Saturday night and (pause for dramatic effect) I watched the Mighty Ducks movie. Oh yes, what an amazing movie, that movie and the second one in that series plus the book Scrubs on Skates made me want to play hockey. Despite actually not liking sports and being massively uncoordinated, although I do skate relatively well. (It comes from starting when your three) What's really cool about the book is that it is actually based in Winnipeg and I may be distantly related to the author. Anyway that's just a little story of my Canadianess I though I'd share with you all.

Best Wishes,


  1. as a Finn, I've been skating since I was very little too - we always had it at school during gym classes in winter. I remember really liking it at one point. Unfortunately as I grew, ice skating became unbearable: hurts my feet way too much. These days I can't even stand on skates without feeling like someone just slashed open my feet and made me walk on gravel x___x

    Oh Mighty Ducks...the start of all those sports related movies in the 90's. All with similar characters and a similar formula to them. xD I haven't watched that movie in aaaaages! I think the last time I saw it I was still in elementary school. I can barely remember it. Now I feel like watching it...must remember to search the movie online.

  2. I love mighty ducks!!! QUACK QUACK QUACK!!

    During my time roller skates were more popular and accessible because we didn't have that many ice skating rinks.

    Whenever my mom takes us to her office, she would drop me and my sister in this outdoor rink with a glowing fountain globe in the center that's just outside her office. We'd skate for hours until we're too tired to even walk.

    When I do get to skate on ice I find it just as comfortable as roller skating. Not that I can do tricks or anything. The best i can do is skate backwards around the rink.

  3. Ah yes, I remember being mocked for liking that movie ;) (the joys of having older siblings...)
    Hockey isn't really a thing over here. We do go skating, but mostly long distance. I grew up in an area lined with channels, so when those froze over we could just put on our skates and visit friends in neighboring villages (well, those that lived close to the water). That was pretty neat. Unfortunately by the time I was old enough to read & judge the ice properly most winters were too warm to skate on the channels at all (darn you, global warming! *fistshake*). Skating on overcrowded lakes/flooded fields just isn't the same, so I stopped going (unless there were exchange students from warmer parts of the world to scare ;))
