Monday 25 April 2011

Hello sunshine,

Good morning nerdy bunch it's Monday!

So I graduated last Sunday (insert happy dance here). The ceremony was short and sweet. The whole time I had a headache born of stress, illness, lack of sleep and excitement. The whole time I was also beaming I was so proud of everyone walking across that stage. Anyway I woke up Monday massively sick, which means that I did nothing all week. Seriously I read 20 pages of a book and watched old episodes of criminal minds. Good Friday I managed to haul myself out of bed and do to very pleasant things; eat dinner and play cards with my family, and have an awesome Lord of the Rings marathon. I slept though most of Saturday having stayed up ridiculously late to get through LOTR. Sunday I went to church and and then sat around drinking beer with my friends. All and all a pretty good holiday weekend. Tommorrow I'm going for a interview at what is going to be my practicum placement, so wish me luck.

Best Wishes,

p.s. did you guys watch the impossible astronaut? what did you think?


  1. SPOILERS! ;D For all who did not see the episode yet.

    I did watch Impossible Astronaut. Every time Alex Kingston (River Song) is on I'm glued onto the show.

    It was rather thrilling and fun. Can't wait for the next part. The implications of the doctor *dying* dying do leave me pondering though. Not sure what to think of it quite yet. I need to think some more...or see more episodes. Or probably both.

  2. I'm ashamed to say that I have never seen an episode of Dr Who. Ever. It's probably something I'd like, but there's just something holding me back from actually watching it.

    Also, congratulations on graduating!

  3. That was one freakishly scary new monster. Darn you, Steven Moffat *fistshake* The suits are a nice touch xD.

    I expect Moffat will do Moffatly things to get out of the whole the Doctor dyingdying thing. We'll see...

  4. Congratulations!! Did you get your internship!?

    I want to watch it but it's unless I don't have time or i couldn't find a copy from here -_-' i've been meaning to watch the really old ones though =P
