Friday 22 April 2011

It's still Thursday in Hawaii?


Anyway. Hi, Nerdy Bunch, how are you? I'm good. Great, actually: I handed in the last of my due assignments yesterday, and now I am on mid-semester break. It's Easter, too, which means chocolate and homemade buns and omnomnomnom.

It was my mother's birthday yesterday (Thursday; it's Friday for me :3) so today we had everyone around for lunch and things. I got to see my nephew who is nearly 2, as well as my oldest brother and his girlfriend. It was a fun time, since they got back from a holiday to Bali recently and they brought presents--I got HP7 part 1 on DVD, and a new watch, which is awesome!

We don't have any special plans on Sunday, it's going to be a fairly relaxed day.

In other news, I bought the original Portal game yesterday and it is AMAZING! After seeing Hank play it I was convinced that it was good, which it is. I currently can't afford Portal 2 but I'm still going to watch Hank's commentary because it's just fun.

What are you folks doing over Easter?

1 comment:

  1. Belated Happy Birthday to your mom!!

    No easter plans just Church and spent time with family ^_^
