Thursday 7 April 2011


I'm currently participating in BEDA (Blog Every Day in April). The funny thing about it was that I was watching some VEDA vlogs and I was like "Oh, I'll BLOG every day in April! I bet nobody's come up with THAT idea before! I'll call it BEDA!". I then found out that people have been doing BEDA for a couple of years now.


Coming up with original ideas is harrrrrd. You get really excited about something you think of and then you realise: OH WAIT. SO-AND-SO HAS DONE IT ALREADY. You know how that is. It's so hard to ignore it, and you constantly compare your efforts to everyone who has gone before you, and you end up resenting the idea and thinking that it is 'unoriginal'.

The thing is, at this stage and at this time, there aren't really many ideas you can have that somebody else hasn't already had. It's been happening for years; the Internet just makes it easier for us to find out how unoriginal we are. It's so hard to silence that voice that says "just give up, you won't do it better". NO. SSSSSTOP IT.

Your particular version of an idea is original. YOU will create something unique and valuable. So don't let the fact that other people have done something before you get you down; strive to make something that is truly yours, and I know that it'll be appreciated :)

1 comment:

  1. I couldn`t agree more, while neither you nor I have invented the wheel what we do is still pretty cool! Also good luck with BEDAing.
