Wednesday 4 May 2011

Boredom & Hudba

Today I woke up to a lovely picture of a shot guy who isn't Osama Bin Laden on my facebook stream. Lovely. (I'm squeamish. I'd like to have the choice not to see pictures like that. Especially not before breakfast.). After that it was the usual day home, lots and lots of reading, a quick trip to the library, that kind of exciting stuff...
I've been trying to keep track of what I do throughout the day as a way to actually do more. Apparently I do way too little, at least way too little for uni. Which, even now that I've increased my productive phases a bit, continues to be a problem. Unfortunately, online lectures on Zombies and Tolkien are much more fascinating than writing papers or preparing presentations.

And since I don't have anything remotely interesting to write about (can we do themes again?), I'll give you SLOVAK MUSIC. Yay.

Slovakia cured my music taste, not because the music is necessarily that much greater than elsewhere, but because when you're stuck in your room every evening with nothing to do you actually start to listen to what you're listening to.

Old favourites: IMT Smile. One of the biggest rock bands in the country. Sadly this is the only song German youtube lets me watch in decent quality :( At least it comes with a hilariously random video.

Bad quality, but a better impression of what they did back then. Saw them live three times, awesome live band.

New favorites: Billy Barman. They're a fairly new indie rock band, but both frontmen were in other bands before, one of which I got to see at festival when they were ickle and had just had their first hit. (I actually prefer this song, but the video involves a little too much torture for my taste).

There's also RadioFM, which, yes, is a radio station. It was a bit too weird for me back when I lived there, but has turned into my favourite station since. A batshit eclectic public broadcaster that hardly ever plays anything I've heard of before, or if they do it's something like Architecture from Helsinki or Grinderman xD. They play lovely not-so-mainstreamy Slovak music like this as well.

Your turn. Share some music with us, please?

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