Tuesday 24 May 2011


I went to the doctor for my regular check up and had my complete blood chemistry checked. It seems that some of my stats aren't too good. I have had some problems before but I was able to regulate it with exercise and proper diet.

So why am I sharing this? It is because I am officially declaring that from now on I will live a much healthier life. And my first course of action is to avoid most, if not all, of the food that I should veer away from. This is no joke for me, specially because of the fact that I'm not only avoiding fatty things but also things that are high in uric acid. Basically my diet will now only consist of skinless chickens, some seafood, and some vegetables. I am also officially quiting alcohol and caffeine which I think is the hardest thing to do.

To top it all off, I will will not let a day go by where I haven't ran, swim, or anything that will make me sweat depriving me of a few hours of lazy Internet time. I take it back, this IS the hardest thing that I'll have to do.

QOTD: How's your health?

Hear from you guys soon,

P.S. I will miss you Burger. I will be healthy enough to enjoy you once again.

1 comment:

  1. My health is great, except for the bit where I can hardly carry up my groceries the two flights of stairs to my apartment without wheezing like an asthmatic kid after a marathon. I'm trying to start to go running frequently though, so hopefully that will improve soon.
    On the food side, most of my favorite food is ridiculously healthy, so that's never been a problem. The only thing I have to pay attention to is that I eat enough legumes, since I rarely eat meat. I usually crave the things I lack, so as long as I eat what my body tells me to I'm fine, even if I don't strictly stay away from junk food. I might eat a little too much of that when I'm busy, but I've lately taken to making my own convenience food (freezers ftw!), so it's not that unhealthy anymore :P

    Quitting booze and caffeine really does sound hard (especially the caffeine!), but I guess you get used to it?
