Monday 2 May 2011

Vote Snow!

Good morning nerdy bunch it's monday, it's election monday!

That's right today in Canada we had an election, The results aren't totally in yet but it looks like we will have a conservative government again. But with a different opposition party (the new democratic party). This would be the first time a party other than the liberal or conservative party has been the opposition, ever. So I went out and voted today. Voting is one thing that really makes me feel like an actual legitimate adult instead of just a kid pretending. Since I have moved since the last election I had to register to vote, A suprisingly easy and efficient process. I was in and out in a few minutes. It feels really good to know that I can be a part of the electoral process, even if the party I wanted didn't win I got to be part of the process.

On a side note the spring weather continues to be crazy it snowed and melted all in the last week (It doesn't usually snow this late in the spring). It has been a very wet and cold spring and the rivers should be peaking soon if not today there already parts of the province experiencing flooding.I'm really looking forward to it getting warm, and staying warm. although I've already worn shorts and sandals this spring and have been going without a jacket so yay for that.

Finally on a personal note I'm leaving for switzerland in two weeks and am freaking out a little. What are your must pack necessities for travel?

Best wishes,

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