Friday 27 May 2011

The uneventful life of a person who does nothing

I don't think I have a lot to write about this week. It was fairly uneventful and I don't have anything particular in mind...oh screw it, I'm just going to ramble!

I had an exam on animal osteology yesterday. We were required to identify animal bones, which was not as hard as I had expected. The essay questions were more difficult, I have a feeling I did fairly poorly at those. One was on methods of determining age from teeth and the pros and cons of these methods. I could come up with only two commonly used methods and I really think it's all there is but I feel hesitant abotu the way I wrote about them. The other essay was on what the skeletal remains of mammals have told us about the post Ice Age Finland, now this one I was far more uncertain about. I felt like I just puked random facts onto the paper - I avoided accurate information and naming time periods. Curse my unprepearedness...

Right now I should be studying the Gallic Wars. I'm reading a book on it by Julius Caesar but it's ridiculously hard to determine what is by the translator and what Caesar actually wrote, if he wrote anything in it. It's very confusing, I don't think I've ever been this confused over a book, ever.

In other news, I've developed a very annoying cough, a bad one. Usually it takes a flu to cause something like this to me but this time I haven't been ill, which is why I'm rather puzzled. It started right after I did that swamp roaming and it's been getting worse ever since. It feels like my lungs are full of goo or water...I kind of wish I had a magical squeegee that I could use to scrape my lungs clean of what ever the hell it is that's causing me to cough. Today my mom said that if I went to a doctor now, he'd tell me to quit smoking. I replied with "and I would yelp 'but I haven't even started yet!'"(I haven't smoked in my entire life). I should probably go see a doctor at some point, these coughs of mine are ridiculous.

Oh! And guess what? I think my lap top is breaking! AGAIN! I've had it back for only two weeks or something! If I do have to send it back to repair again it will be the third time. Mind you, this is a new lap top, hasn't been in use for even a year yet, and it wasn't cheap! You can probably guess I'm pretty pissed off right about now.

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