Friday 20 May 2011

I can't think of anything to write about

>< Seriously, I have no idea what I can write about today, hence the lateness of this post. I didn't want to miss another week, so I think I'll just ramble along for a little while. I guess I'll just talk about what I've been up to this week.

I got great marks for an assignment I did about True Blood, so that's good. I've managed to pass all of my assignments so far this semester. It's been a little tough; the subjects I'm doing are really information-heavy, and having to read textbook chapters for 3 subjects every week, plus 3-5 cases for each subject, is not exactly the funnest thing ever.

I'm a terrible procrastinator, so that doesn't exactly help me. Thankfully, I'm not failing anything, and I've got my Arts subject to prop up my GPA. I've got 2 weeks before exams start, with 1 70% exam and 1 100% exam to do, as well as 2 assignments. One assignment should be fine, but I'm slightly worried about my one for criminal law.

Oh well, at least I'm busy!! xD

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