Monday 16 May 2011

Europe is an elaborate fiction

Once again I'm in a one track mind kind of place. The only thing I can think about is that tomorrow I'm getting on a plane. For someone who has been to one other country, one time, this is kind of a big deal. Also when you consider that I've only been on a plane one time this becomes an even bigger deal. I've never even seen the ocean and now I'm going t hurl across it in a flying metal tube? As far as I know Europe is just an elaborate fiction created by the government for some nefarious purpose. (I don't really think this, but i do have to consider every possibility) So it goes without saying i'm pretty nervous/excited, basically I've got some serious butterfly's in my tummy right now. I don't really have a lot else to say I'm planning on journaling while I'm away so I should hopefully have some interesting things to say when I get back. I won't be blogging when i'm gone I've decided that I'm not going to put in the effort of finding a way to swing it so you won't hear from me in for a bit.

I realized something, we write this blog in English but I'm guessing that English isn't everyone's only language. I am nominally bilingual. English is my first language but I also took enough French in school that I can still read it quite well and understand it when it's spoken. It would be wise not to ask me to try and write or say anything in French if you want anyone else to be able to understand it. What about you all?

Thank you all for the impromptu theme, I enjoyed it.

Best Wishes



  1. I'm so excited for you ^_^ have fun!

  2. oh and i'm also bilingual, actually multi-lingual since i can speak 2 Philipine dialects

  3. Oooh, have fun in Europe! (yes, it does really exist ;))

    I speak, eh, two languages well (German & English), and four or five badly (French, Norwegian, Slovak, Dutch, (Spanish)). My Spanish is bordering on nonexistent these days. I still understand a bit, but probably wouldn't be able to put together a simple sentence. I'm trying to keep up with the other ones, but it isn't really working. Lazy little language nerd.

  4. Have fun on your trip! :D I'm worried...I might be living in a fictional area.

    I speak Finnish as my native language and I'm fluent in English...simply because I've studied it and I like it. I'm okay to poor at Swedish, the second official language of Finland, which is compulsory for us to study. Sometimes I surprise myself by understanding more than I thought I'd understand. My lack of skills in Swedish is mainly due to the fact that I hate it.

    Swedish allows me to understand some Norwegian and I can communicate with Norrs in Swedish if there's a need for such.

    I've also studied French, Spanish and German but I am pretty sucky at these. German I studied for two years when I was only 11-12 years old so I can not remember much. French I took for only one course because the teacher was something awful, I would have loved to learn the language properly. Spanish was a distance education course, which means I was largely on my own with studying. Which also meant I barely did anything...till the night before the exam (actually did rather well xD).

    I recently started studying Latin but...guh, the teacher. -rubs her forehead- Long story short, I quit. I might study it by myself since I may as well have even during attending classes.

  5. I hope you have a lot of fun :) at the very least you will have an interesting time :P

    In Australia, there isn't really a need for people to be bilingual. I'm not bilingual, more like 1-and-a-half lingual; my mother is an Indonesian teacher and so I know it enough to get by.

    I really want to learn French :3
